Britain Looks Up (1948)

Full title reads: “BRITAIN LOOKS UP“. Odiham, Hampshire. General view of Odiham airfield. People walking around aircraft. Long shot of people walking past aircraft. Close up shot of line of Vampire planes. Dakotas taking off in background. Close up shot of Air Marshal Lord Tedder talking to pilots. Lord Tedder shaking hands with RAF officer. Close up shot of Lord Tedder, pan to RAF officer. Close up shot of Lord Tedder, pan to RAF officer with moustache. Long shot of line of Vampires. Ground crew servicing them. Close up shot of Lord Tedder standing by an aircraft speaking (natural sound). He talks about the past battles and how much RAF has learned from the experience. Long shot of three Vampires taking off in formation. Long shot of Vampire shooting up aerodrome, crowds in foreground. Plane climbs away. Another Vampire flying low and shooting up aerodrome. Climbs up at end of run. Close up shot of child looking up. Long shot of three Meteors flying overhead. Close up shot of Royal Air Force ensign fl
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