TSE808 + LeCto + cab impulse response djent test (Periphery - New Groove cover)

rights and credits for this song goes to periphery. this vid isn´t about the cover (played a little sloppy here and there) - it´s about what tone you can get with free plugins. the TSE808 is a free emulator of a tube screamer, LeCto is an amp sim of a Rectifier and as cab i used an impulse response of a 1960 Marshall cab with V30 speakers. except for mastering there´s no further processing on the guitar tone. no compression, no eq. i just added a gate. in the pictures you can see the settings i used. not a bad tone for the price of nothing. don´t hold back to try it out and tell me what you think. download links: tube screamer: LeCto / LeCab: impulses: #post8272271 (you might need to scroll all the way up)
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