Invasion Stories (1944)

Unused / unissued material - dates and locations unclear or unknown. Allied forces invade occupied France - location looks like Normandy / Brittany. Various shots American GIs firing field gun. Various shots American officers on field telephone. Various shots GIs looking at field gun - captured enemy weapon? Various shots burning coastal town, smoke rises from crumbling buildings. Various shots of soldiers walking through town. Most are American, a couple could be British. They look at pile of dead civilian bodies and show captured shells to camera. C/U American soldier talking on walkie-1talkie. M/S burning wreckage of enemy guns. Various shots soldiers walking past burning building. C/U American officer looking at maps, he tries on German officer’s cap and laughs at camera. Various shots group local men eating meal at table outside, food comes from US army crates. Various shots refugees carrying belongings away from bombed out buildings. Various shots shelled buildings and piles of ru
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