How to Influence Embryonic Development [The #1 Tip]

While the embryo is in the mother’s womb, it develops a hormone that can mutually interact with the mother and help in the healing of her body too. Even with our scientific advancement, we know so little about the embryo and its development inside the womb. When a mother is treated in a negative way, the embryo is impacted, even if someone shouts at the mother, it is felt in the embryo. That is why in all cultures there was always a special caring attitude toward pregnant women. At the foundation of the development of life is love, which is instilled in us from before birth, but which sadly disappears or wanes as we grow up. In the wisdom of Kabbalah, we learn that our ego grows and blurs our relationships to the point that we seemingly disconnect from one another. It also teaches us that we are, in fact, connected in one system that is concealed from us for now. If we would go back to feeling as one system, then we would each feel connected to everyone else and feel everyone as a single body, as it is
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