◾Palestine Action spray and slash a historic painting of ’Lord’ Balfour in Trinity College, University of Cambridge
◾Palestine Action spray and slash a historic painting of ’Lord’ Balfour in Trinity College, University of Cambridge.
◾Written in 1917, Balfour’s declaration began the ethnic cleansing of Palestine by promising the land away - which the British never had the right to do.
◾After the Declaration, until 1948, the British burnt down indigenous villages to prepare the way; with this came arbitrary killings, arrests, torture and sexual violence including rape.
◾The British paved the way for the Nakba and trained the Zionist militia to ethnically cleansed over 750,000 Palestinians, destroy over 500 villages and massacre many families.
Source: Juan Sinmiedo/Fearless John/Ukraine exposed. [id342915501|@Youblacksoul]