*turn on CC for lyrics*
A cute bitter sweet song dedicated to those who does not have the courage to confess their feelings to the ones they admire :(
mp3 download
OFF vocals
Art by Eleanor
Video by elbo
Guitars and Lyrics by ginoplaysguitar
Story and Music by Steampianist
Chinese translation by Ziying Wang
i held the letter in my shaking hands
the ones you touched when you ran past
me on the way to class
“we’re late“
you said
“come run with me“
but crumpled up and thrown away
i tore apart my heart today
just ripped to shreds, you saw me then
“its late“
you said
“come walk with me“
moonlight falls upon my windowsill
i watch the world go by
in time
can you save me from my dreams?
whispers of
the stars aligned
it rises up
and breaks the tide
to prophecies
and valentines
to waking up
in the end times
my god its crushing me
tangled round my body like countless chains
black seas split by twisted spires
holding my eyes open, i’m so tired
all my nightmares
they never change but
i’ll think of you tonight
i snap awake, another day
another sleepless night to face alone
without you by my side
why cant you just
why cant you just be mine
but once again
we’re only friends
not even friends, it’s just pretend
but in my head’s not good enough
today, i thought
i’ll make you mine
sunlight falls upon your perfect smile
i saw you from afar
who’s she?
why’s your hand on her cheek?
you broke my heart
with a secret kiss
my pillows stained
with teardrops
the voices come
but louder now
with words i do not remember
my god it’s crushing me
tangled round my body like countless chains
black seas split by twisted spires
holding my eyes open i’m so tired
and all my nightmares they never change but
i’m wide awake tonight
the routine breaks
the whispers come
and fade away
two silhouettes
their shadows tall
you and i
together after all
my god its you and I
dancing on the air like new years flames
under sickly green moonlight
i can see us smiling in the sky
my god i now believe
the coming of the old one sets me free
black seas split by ryleh spires
voices entwined together like a choir
all my nightmares they never change but
i’ll think of you tonight
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