Hey Tim - The Story of my Life.

“Don’t ask what the world needs, ask what makes you come alive. Because what the world needs most, is more people who come alive.“ - Howard Thurman 6 months ago I began this project, and since then it has consumed every part of my being. The day I would click upload seemed like it was a million miles away. It feels weird knowing that it’s over. Never in my life have i put this much of myself into one project, but this one was special and I knew i had to give it my all. Collectively I’ve put well over 500 hours of focused editing into this video. I spent 3 weeks on a flipped sleep schedule where I would wake up after sunset and work throughout the night in complete isolation and go to sleep as the sun would rise. I made a lot of sacrifices to make this happen. If you guys want to support me and continue seeing more passion driven work please share and make sure to follow me on all my social channels! Follow the journey! http:
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