Do Cats Understand Hugs and Kisses?

Do cats perceive kisses as signs of affection? Do cats like it when you kiss them? And how do we tell if a cat doesn’t want to be kissed? It is important to remember that cats are very different species with their own methods of communication. Within the parameters of feline body language, kissing and hugging don’t exist. If you’ve just adopted a new cat and kiss or hug them to show affection, they will likely not understand your purpose behind this behavior. Unfortunately, a gesture of affection of this kind might be experienced as an invasion of their living space. How to kiss your cat properly so they know you love them As we’ve already explained, if you have a newly adopted cat, they will not yet understand your behaviors and can become stressed and confused when you kiss or hug them. With time however, cats may learn to associate kisses as a display of affection. Although felines do enjoy being quite independent, they still like receiving attention and spending time with
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