Why This Youtuber Spent 12 Years on One World

What if one Minecraft player refused to give up on his dream for over a decade? This is the story of Mogswamp and his 12 year Superflat world. — Socials — 🐦Twitter (or X lmao): — Specific Credits to — ► Me, for editing this video! ► cinamoncune for making my channel’s icon! ► timeforcrime, for making the Yae Miko Minecraft skin I use! ► Sumes Music for creating a beautiful cover of Faruzan’s theme, which I use as my outro music! Faruzan’s Theme But It’s CITY POP | Genshin Impact: ► donswanick and TheFlyingFire for their Super Thanks! ► @BarnesReal, @jetstarfish, @notvixios, @Khoofu..., @skyboimc and @TheGeekFactor_ for lending their beautiful voices! — Support me! — ► Epidemic Sounds (referral): http
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