BERLIN VLOG day 2: POTSDAM Day Trip! Ritz Breakfast + Sanssouci Palace + Sans Souci Park 4K
00:00 Intro
01:50 Ritz Carlton Breakfast
04:38 To Potsdam using Berlin ABC Pass. Use Google directions to know your options! Pay attention. The announcements in buses/trains/trams are in Deutsch.
07:39 Brandenburg Gate. Built in 1770.
08:10 UNESCO site, Sans Souci Park
08:57 Church of Peace
13:19 Neptune Grotto
14:50 Sanssouci Picture Gallery
15:50 SANSSOUCI GREAT FOUNTAIN, it’s not on full blast
17:45 SANSSOUCI Palace and the vineyard terrace. Grapes and Figs!
22:15 Sanssouci’s cour d’honneur. 88 Corinthian Columns.
23:00 Let’s get Tickets!
24:00 The Windmill
26:00 Tour inside Sanssouci Palace.
27:00 Gallery
29:00 Frederick The Great’s Library
30:08 Frederick The Great’s Bedroom. He died on his apple green recliner chair. Note the painting on the wall. They painted him with his successor/nephew when he died.
31:58 The Music Hall in Sanssouci. The Concert Hall. The Phi
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