Based on the novel by Frank Herbert, the adaptation of “Dune“ directed by Denis Villeneuve is the most anticipated movie of the year. Two tracks from composed by Hans Zimmer (“Paul’s Dream“ and “Ripples in the Sand“) have been published a few days ago, giving us a 12-minutes long preview of the actual musical score of the movie.
Hans Zimmer’s score seems to be incredibly rich and ambitious in tones, unique sounds and melodies. The main musical theme recognizable from the music (which I suppose is Paul’s theme) is characterized by female hummings, giving it an incredible mysterious, fascinating and epic touch. I hope you’ll like this re-edited montage of these first two tracks from “Dune“, I’ll definitely await the release of more musical content by Hans Zimmer for this project!
0:00 Paul’s Dream
4:30 Ripples in the Sand
6:05 Ripples in the Sand
7:28 Ripples in the Sand
8:23 Ripples in the Sand
1 view
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