Is it Bad Enough For You? Wild Horses

June 19, 2011 is the 40th anniversary of the passing of the Wild Free Roaming Horse and Burro Act. Read timeline of video at : Music courtesy Maria Daines There appears to be serious misconceptions about who is paying for what and why. First folks... this is public land. The land belongs to all Americans and the resource is managed for the “public good.“ That is where FLPMA and the term “multiple use“ comes from. WE do not have a “full cost recovery system“ on public land. Meaning the permittees do not cover the cost of the of the permit (assessments, range repair, data collection). We have extractive industries that take a disproportionate amount of wealth out of public land (enough to wipe out the National debt) and pay very little for the privilege. When we are talking about wild horses we have a great distraction from the truth of public land management.
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