Temple of the Great Moderator Qucumatz

spurred by: . He is called Qucumatz. Or in other words. Or it doesn’t matter. Or the question is pointless. And no one knows and no one will ever know. Why He directs our real generated World. That no one knows and no one will ever know. He creates every path of life for us. He does not want anything from us. He is not going to answer our requests. We live on the edge of a false life and an imaginary death. And the living and the dead are equally untrue. What can we do. Three principles. Aestheticism. Elitism. Affirmation by negation. Negation through affirmation. Moments of trepidation and ecstasy. In solitude. In the night from Saturday to Sunday. We can be infinitely happy. On the royal throne. In a prison. We are artificial and infinitely real. We are not threatened by supposed life. We are not threatened by false death. We are not really there. In fact, we are always eternal. Chemical World. Ca
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