Seven Nation Army Cover in Attic Greek

“7? pffffft, I’m sure the Achaemenids have more than a million nations under its banner. That’s a good thing tho cause the odds are about even now“ Heya Folks, thanks for all the support and patience. Apologies If got anything wrong, Please let me know about it in the comments. I will surely try and improve the next time I cover in Attic Greek again, always tricky when tackling an unfamiliar language but I always try adapt and overcome it to the best of my abilities. Original by @The White Stripes : Consider supporting the channel, I know what I do ain’t much but its honest work ❤ : Big... thanks yet again to @stantough support his channel too. Very big thanks to Ash too for all the hard work with the translations and training. And lastly, @sketchguitars for the mixing and mastering. Take care my
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