Die Welt steht unter Schock!! Peking ist überschwemmt! Rekordniederschlag in 140 Jahren!
Record rainfall in 140 years flooded Beijing!
Heavy rain and flooding hit Beijing on Monday July 31st.
The authorities have declared a red alert level.
This is the strongest flood in recent years.
The downpour caused landslides and washed away cars on the outskirts of the city.
Heavy rain since the weekend has prompted Beijing to close tourist attractions such as the ancient Forbidden City.
But the worst effects are being felt on the outskirts of the city, where rainstorms have engulfed riverbeds that normally remain dry for much of the year.
By Monday afternoon, the Beijing government confirmed that two bodies had been found in the west of Beijing, apparently killed in the flood.
Residents are posting videos on social media showing cars floating in the water.
As well as residents of the area, walking along dirty streets, littered with flooded cars.
The Beijing government has reported that about 31,000 people have been forced to leave their homes.
Emergency services in the
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