Sir Reginald Tupper to occupy Burhill residence of King George V (1936)

GAUMONT BRITISH NEWSREEL (REUTERS) To license this film, visit King George V’s house at Burhill is lent to Sir Admiral Reginald Tupper for life Full Description: ENGLAND: Unknown: Burhill: EXT/INT BURHILL Sir R. Tupper loaned King Edward’s House for Life at Burnhill TUPPER, Ad. Sir Reginald Speaks when loaned the King’s House for life. WINDSOR, Duke of King’s House at Burhill Ext & to Ad. Sir Reg. Tupper for life - Ad. Sir speaks Personalities - Armed Forces; Buildings, Landmarks and Monuments Prince George of Wales, The Duke of York, The Prince of Wales, home Background: King George V’s house at Burhill is lent to Sir Admiral Reginald Tupper for life FILM ID: VLVA5BK4TPQEESJN0T199RKK4YQ6V To license this film, visit
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