multicouples || ashes. [w/ andie]

WATCH IN HD! “and when I pray to God all I ask is can beauty come out of ashes?“ HAPPY BIRTHDAY @malagenabolakaful ♥ Pauline, I think you pretty much saw this coming lol I mean, it’s a tradition at this point for us to collab for each other’s birthdays. And it seems like andie and I always end up doing multicouples for you hahah but this year we decided to go for one ship per part and only vid your top OTPs (that we could vid, obviously). So thank you for that twitter thread, it was very useful hahah Can you believe we made this in ONE weekend? We called and vidded together and created this masterpiece that hopefully will kill you as much as the collab you and andie made killed me. Andie witnessed me being disgusted over vidding destiel and I think she had a lot of fun cbsmdnfhbvcm I’m gonna save the more emotional stuff for whatsapp hehe so I’ll just say that I love you a lot and that I hope you’ll have an amazing day ♥ @pandieex thank you SO much for collabing with me and creating this masterpiece. I a
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