La Turquie - UN Pays Qui Agonise AKA Turkey (1920-1925)

Title reads: “Un Pays Qui Agonise - La Turquie“. Part of a French film about Turkey. Titles in French. Sequence showing different Turkish tradesmen at work. MS man breaking rocks with sledgehammer. VS men at outdoor stands selling sweets and peanuts - they weigh the produce on scales and put it in paper bags for customers. Various shots a cobbler repairing shoes. VS barber shaving men’s heads and beards. MS removals man poses with his team of oxen. VS the charretier (the carter) with his team of oxen. VS a brick maker making bricks by hand, he stacks the bricks onto a carrier on another man’s back. CU young men standing by a water pump. Various shots water carrier carrying buckets of water on yoke. VS shoe shine man sitting on stool with his brushes in front of him, his three young sons enter shot and pose with him. More shots of craftsmen & merchants at work. Various shots of a man with large urn on his back and a belt holding glasses around his waist - title refers to him as the “merch
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