The Best JRPG of every year (1990 to 2023)

The JRPG genre has been around since the mid 80s, which was the time that home consoles started breaking into the mainstream. Since then, Japanese developers have released thousands of amazing titles, many of which have made a huge impact on the gaming industry as a whole. And while the JRPG genre has had its ups and downs over this time, there has still been, at least one, significant, stand out title released in each year. This video is going to list my personal favorite JRPGs, year by year, starting from 1990, all the way to 2023. If youโ€™re subscribed to this channel, and I hope you are, you may have previously seen smaller videos on this topic. Well, this video is THE comprehensive year-by-year list of 34 must play JRPGs. And remember, this is just my personal opinion, and I know it will be totally different to yours, so let me know what your favorite JRPGs are, by year, in the comments below. ๐Ÿ’ฌ ๐Ÿ“• Video Chapters 00:00 - Intro 01:18 โ€“ Dragon Quest IV 02:49 โ€“ Final Fantasy IV 04:06 โ€“ Lunar: The Silver Star 05:20 โ€“ Phantasy Star IV 06:26 โ€“ Final Fantasy VI 07:29- Chrono Trigger 08:50 - Super Mario RPG: Legend of the Seven Stars 09:55 โ€“ Final Fantasy VII 11:05 โ€“ Suikoden II 12:23 โ€“ Final Fantasy VIII 13:48 โ€“ Final Fantasy XI 15:19 โ€“ Final Fantasy X 16:42 โ€“ Suikoden III 17:58 โ€“ Arc The Lad: Twilight of the Spirits 18:55 โ€“ Shadow Hearts 2: Covenant 20:11 โ€“ Radiata Stories 21:07 โ€“ Suikoden V 22:07 โ€“Trails in the Sky: The 3rd 23:34 โ€“ Valkyria Chronicles 24:41 โ€“ Star Ocean 4: The Last Hope 25:52 โ€“ Xenoblade Chronicles 27:12 โ€“ Ni No Kuni: Wrath of the White Witch 28:14 โ€“ Tales of Xillia 2 29:17 โ€“ Trails of Cold Steel 30:45 โ€“ Dark Souls 2 32:00 โ€“ Xenoblade Chronicles X 33:00 โ€“ Persona 5 34:18 โ€“ Nier: Automata 35:41 โ€“ Valkyria Chronicles 4 36:51 โ€“ Fire Emblem: Three Houses 38:08 โ€“ Final Fantasy VII: Remake 39:51 โ€“ Tales of Arise 40:56 โ€“ Elden Ring 41:56 โ€“ Final Fantasy XVI 43:09 โ€“ Conclusion ๐Ÿ‘‰Join me on Twitter: ๐Ÿ’– Help Support the channel: ๐Ÿ“ฉ For business inquires: hellfirereviews@ #bestjrpg #jrpg #bestgame Other games and series covered on this channel: #finalfantasy #shadowhearts #dragonquest #xenogears #xenosaga #xenoblade #suikoden #persona #chronotrigger #nier #kingdomhearts #megamitensei #wildarms #ys #talesof #trailsofcoldsteel #vagrantstory #chronocross #pokemon #lunar #skiesofarcadia #trialsofmana #grandia #earthbound #phantasystar #ninokuni #baldursgate3 #breathoffire #starocean #atelier #xeno #valkyriachronicles #arcthelad #fireemblem
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