classical guitar mod for nylon strings - the cheapest and easiest acoustic guitar customization

Review of a set of nylon string end beads (ball ends). Are they easy to fit ? Will they ruin or improve the sound of your nylon strung guitar ? String end beads are almost like ball ends are the cheapest and easiest customization or modification for a nylon strung classical guitar you can possibly do short of a few stickers or a permanent marker. This mod will only work on nylon guitar strings. I found these by accident whilst looking for flamenco guitar strings on eBay and in over 40 years of playing guitar I have never seen these, so I bought a couple of sets to review them. They are great, and improve the look of any classical guitar or any guitar with nylon string on and they make it quicker and easier to change strings. I fit a set of white ones on a Yamaha silent guitar SLG200N however they will go on any nylon strung guitar and they come in many colours, plus you can mix the colours up if you want that. The seller now has a website; M
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