Ukraine has a kill list, and I’m on it

RT had me on yesterday to discuss Ukraine’s kill list & my entry on it. I highlighted Canada’s cozy relationship with Ukraine, including with the Nazi battalions, Chrystia Freeland’s Nazi-collaborating grandpa , and why I feel safer living in Russia than I would were I back in Canada where Ukrainian nationalists & Nazi supporters run rampant and could easily harm or kill me. I also spoke of how while independent Canadian media reached out to me for an interview, concerned about the kill list entry & my safety, Canadian state-funded media, CBC, reached out to me to attempt to set me up for an interview for what I assume is their pending smear piece on me--and that the CBC journalist’s email to me made zero mention of Ukraine’s kill list, but what he did mention (my participation in a tribunal on Ukraine’s war crimes) could only have come from him reading my entry on Ukraine’s kill list as that tribunal was not widely publicized in English or by myself, b
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