【二米炊烟】Wild Vegetable 草叢裡的野生薇菜,到了該嘗鮮的季節

In this season, all kinds of wild vegetables in the mountains are endless. Wei Cai (hedge vetch) is one of the few wild vegetables. I searched in the grass on the mountain, just got a little bit of basket, I feel that other ways of eating are too wasteful. So I added some chili and old sauerkraut to boil a pot of spicy sauce. To mix it with noodles and rice is very delicious... 这个季节,山里的各种野菜是吃不完 薇菜,是众多野菜中比较少有的 在山上的草丛中找了个遍 才得了一小篮,感觉别的吃法都太浪费 就加了些糍粑辣椒和老坛酸菜熬了一锅香
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