basically just young k trying to get wonpil’s attention the same way wonpil is trying to get jae and sungjin’s attention. and on the other side, dowoon is trying to get young k’s attention but gets rejected every time 🥲 this group is full of open and closeted tsunderes.
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4 months ago 00:00:53 1
9화 예고 | 놀이공원에 가면~ 데이식스도 있고 l 숏폼전쟁! 모두의 K-Culture 시즌2
5 months ago 00:05:00 1
[4K] 데이식스, 아웃도어 패션도 잘 어울려(출국)✈️DAY6 Airport Departure Newsen
5 months ago 00:04:29 1
데이식스, “공항패션 어색하면서도 훈훈해“ l DAY6, “Airport fashion is awkward and warm“ [공항]