Pork roll recipe with potatoes! Everyone is looking for this recipe!

Looking for a delicious and easy pork roll recipe? In this recipe, you’ll learn how to make the perfect pork roll, including tips on how to make the rolls fluffy and recipe is sure to please everyone in your household, so be sure to give it a try! 💡 The video has subtitles. Choose your language. Friends, if you liked the recipe, subscribe and like it 👍 @TheFastEasyCooking 5 tbsp olive oil 1 tbsp hop suneli 1 tbsp paprika 3 garlic cloves Salt 700 g pork tenderloin 6 potatoes Salt Black pepper 2 onions Gherkins 1 egg Bake at 190 °C for 50 minutes Parsley Bon appetit! Peace and prosperity to you and your families! Try this pork roll recipe and let us know in the comments how you like it 💖😊💖 #porkroll #porkrecipe #fasteasycooking 0:07 Sauce 0:39 Pork tenderloin 1:29 Potatoes 1:55 Spices for potatoes 2:05 onion 2:18 G
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