When the patient came to us, she was in deep despair and held our hands for help to be free from

“When the patient came to us, she was in deep despair and held our hands for help to be free from the disease. Dystonia is a very complex, movement disorder that causes the muscles to contract on its own and uncontrollab ly. This can cause repetitive or twisting movements and affects one part of the body, two or more adjacent pa rts or all parts of the body,” said Dr. Shankar Balakrishnan, Clinical Lead Neurology - Interventional Neurology & Ne urom odulation. Dystonia results from abnormal functioning of the brain region that controls and coordinates movement. These brain regions control the speed and stability of movement and filter out unwanted movements.“At first, the patient was offered injection therapy to the neck muscles as her response to medications were re fr actory and minimal benefits were seen with injection. Further, the movement disorder team evaluated her for D eep Brain Stimulation. This involves detailed examination and a structured scoring system including MRI & nuc lear sca
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