How to take out the Abyss Lector shield quickly

Genshin Impact, how to take out the Abyss Lector shield quickly. Bennett Q to apply Pyro aura to self. Jean Q to continually Swirl Pyro aura onto enemy. Xiangling Q Guoba to apply separate Pyro aura. If you were to add in 4TF Bennett, it could be faster as well ( 1 E every second ). Anemo MC also infuses the element you have on you with their E, which is very effective. Another Anemo burst that has absorption ( Venti, Sucrose, Anemo MC ) will also work, and you can consistently absorb Pyro by using Bennett Q to apply Pyro to yourself and walking through the burst. Jean’s Sunfire: Anemo Traveler: With 4TF Bennett:
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