Handsworth Park, Birmingham.
Title: “The City of Birmingham Fire Brigade Inter-Station competitions“.
M/S of a gentleman wearing a large medallion (the Mayor) inspecting a troop of firemen. M/S of the same man presenting awards to the firemen (small boxes - contains medals?).
M/S of firemen detaching a large ladder on wheels from the back of a fire truck, part of a display taking place in a field in front of an audience. M/S of the firemen frantically extending the ladder by turning a handle. A fireman rushes up the extended ladder carrying a hose, the ladder is leant against some tall
... scaffolding. Panning shot follows another firemen up a smaller ladder against the scaffolding. The firemen rescues a mannequin which he slings over his shoulder as he descends.
Cuts / out takes start at 01:54:54. M/S of a panel of judges watching the display from behind a table covered in trophies. Various shots of firemen unravelling hoses from the back of a fire engine. Rest of shots are same or similaShow more