He was found in someone’s yard unresponsive, limp, and ice cold with ears chewed off by animals

He was found in someone’s yard unresponsive, limp, and ice cold with ears chewed off by animals This little kitten was found lethargic, limp, and ice cold. He was only breathing every 15 seconds. After gentle rewarming, warmed SQ fluids, and Karo syrup every 5 minutes, he rallied and was alert and walking around his incubator. He ate some kitten food from our fingers after his ear wounds were cleaned and antibiotics were given. Now hours later, he is becoming sluggish again. Come on little guy; we need you to keep fighting. We will be right there by your side fighting for you! Credit To: FURRR 911 Support there: #CutePuppy, #MangePuppy, #TheMoho ------------------------------------------------------ You Love Animal Videos? Subscribe To Us Here: Facebook: Twitter: Instagram:
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