Марш Нової Армії (March of the New Army) Ukrainian Patriotic Song

The new march was presented for the first time in early 2017 on the eve of the Ukrainian Volunteer Day, and was performed by Skrypka in cooperation with the Song and Dance Ensemble of the Armed Forces of Ukraine. On August 24, 2018, the modern version of the song was performed the first time at the Kyiv Independence Day Parade dedicated to the 27th anniversary of independence and the 100th anniversary of the UPR. In his opening address at the parade, President Petro Poroshenko sang an excerpt of the song, describing it as one that “symbolizes the inextricable bond between different generations of fighters for freedom of the homeland.“ Ukrainian lyrics: Зродились ми великої години, З пожеж війни і полум’я вогнів. Плекав нас біль за долю України, Зростив нас гнів і лють на ворогів. Ми йдемо в бій переможним ходом, Тверді, міцні, незламні, мов граніт, Бо плач не дав нікому ще свободи, Хто борець, той здобуває світ.
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