What happens if you shoot an arrow through a piece of paper?

What happens if you shoot an arrow through a piece of paper? Click here for part 2: 22 $ Compound Bow Sight: 10$ Peep: 15$ Release: 150-200$ Bow: Samick SHT ►APO-1 Dealers: ➜ USA/Canada: ➜ DE/Österreich/Schweiz: ➜ Europe: ► Off-Grid Solar Panel: (10% Off with discount code: survivallilly) ►Power Station: (100 USD Discount code: BLUETTISL100) ► MandarinDuck Bows: ► Survival Films: ► Lilly’s camera: ► Drone: ►APO-1S Merch: Thanks for your support! ~ Surviva
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