RAKE + PLASTER = SUPER WALL DECOR! interior design ideas for a penny | DIY REPAIRS
Everything is simple and cheap! As WE love. From ordinary putty or plaster, you can make a very interesting version of the wall decor. In the video, I showed in detail all the stages of applying decorative plaster. The result is healthy and everything is done elementary.
Subscribe to the channel and choose decorative plaster to your liking.
Hello everyone My name is Ksyusha. I am a master at applying decorative plaster. Decorative plaster is a finishing, finishing material designed to give the surface aesthetic appeal. Decorative plaster can be of different types and different application techniques are used when working with it. That is, decorative plaster is not a specific material, but a whole group of them. Structural, textured, decorative plaster are all names of the same division of finishing materials. Types of decorative plasters differ in the methods of application and purpose. When choosing, you need to know where which decorator can be used. There are options for interior decoration of the room, and there are for outdoor work, waterproof and frost-resistant. In order for decorative plaster to please you for many years, you need to take into account these and many other features.
On my channel you will learn a lot of interesting things about applying various decorative materials. I give useful information to those who make repairs with their own hands or are engaged in interior design. The purpose of the channel “Creative layer“ is to popularize finishing materials, such as: Venetian plaster, decorative plaster travertine, bark beetle, fur coat, decorative sand, wet silk, etc. In my master classes, I share my knowledge and show in detail all the stages of applying structural plaster. I help you make the right choice and give tips on decorating. I give information about the tools that are needed for work and share my experience in using them. My detailed lessons save you time and money. The “creative Layer“ is a channel for people who are interested in learning something new and applying their knowledge in improving interior design. My task is to give you an understanding of the behavior of certain decorative materials, and then you can take and repeat my decor options or come up with your own, combining mixtures and modernizing the application techniques for yourself. Such knowledge is useful to everyone. The acquired knowledge will help to create a unique design and realize your creative possibilities during the repair. Options for decorative plaster from ordinary putty, tile glue or ordinary plaster will save money and make repairs with your own hands. This is one of the directions of my channel, to which many of my videos are dedicated. It is the competent use of conventional building mixes and an understanding of their features that will help you during the repair. Decorative plaster from ordinary putty is one of the most budget and popular types of decor. And my videos are a great tutorial on the use of such materials. This information is also useful for interior designers. The variability of the types of such finishes is very large and it can greatly help in designing the design of the room. Also, decorative, finishing plasters are an excellent tool for local use and marking certain areas of the interior.
If you have any questions, then ask them in the comments under the video. I will try to answer them.
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#decorativeplaster #finishingwall #repair #withyourownhands #thousandsoflines
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