Miami Sound Machine - (1984)

Miami Sound Machine - Dr Beat Lyrics..... Emergency - paging Dr. Beat - Emergency Doctor I’ve got this feeling Deep inside of me Deep inside of me. Ijust can’t control my feet When I hear the beat When I hear the beat. Hey doctor Could you give me something To ease the pain To ease the pain ’Cause if you don’t help me soon I’m gonna lose my brain Gonna go insane. Ijust don’t know Don’t know How I’m gonna deal with you Doc Doc Doc Doc Doctor Beat. I just don’t know Don’t know Won’t you help me Doc Doc Doc Doc Doctor Beat Won’t you help me Dr. Beat. Doc Doc Doc Doc Doctor Beat . . . Doc Doc Doc Doc Doctor Beat . .. Say Say Say Doctor I’ve got this fever That I can’t control That I can’t control. Music makes me move my body Makes me move my soul Makes me move my soul. D
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