Arknights Chapter 8 Story Cutscenes + 5 Hidden Cutscenes
Chapter 8 Story is very interesting in my opinion and probarly on of the best story in Arknights Story mode. It start very bring then later turn ptsd and after an action. Which was a good combination. Anyway If you like my video dont forget to leave a like and share. You can support me by subscribe to my channel. Thank for watching.
#Arknights #Chapter8 #Talulah #Amiya #Chen #Doctar #Kalsit #Rostimos #Lore #Story #Cutscenes #Hidden #Stage #Guard #Patriot #Reunion #FrostNova #MobileGame #TowerDefence #TowerDefense #GachaGame #Waifucollectiongame #saltygacha
Arknights Chapter 8 Story Cutscenes 5 Hidden Cutscenes
Arknights Chapter 8 complete Story Cutscenes
Arknights chapter 8 lore
Arknights Guard Amiya
Arknights Talulah story
Arknights Chapter 8 hidden cutscenes
Arknights chapter 8 hidden stage
Arknights reunion movement story
R8 is about pure Talulah past with old Reunion before she become bad person
R8-1 Before 0:00
R8-1 After 10:25
R8-3 Before 12:29
R8-3 After
6 months ago 00:05:18 1
Estelle English Voice! All Voicelines (E2 + Max trust) | Arknights