The BEST is here! Funny Memes montage video with the awesome transition clips of Genshin Impact Zhongli. Is Zhongli the weakest 5star hero? Share your thoughts in the comment section. :) Wangshen Funeral Parlor mysterious consultant. Though no one knows where Zhongli is from, he is a master of courtesy and rules. Don’t forget to LIKE & SUBSCRIBE! Enjoy and stay safe everyone :) *DISCLAIMER* ALL STREAMER SCENE HAS BEEN CUT. THEY DID A GREAT JOB MAKING A VIDEO OF ZHONGLI. YOU CAN CHECK THEIR YT & TWITCH DOWN BELOW. LVL:69 Constellation: 0 TalentLevels: Rain of Stone 6 | Dominus Lapidis 5 | Planet Befall 6 Weapon: 4* Crescent Pike Artifacts: *For Phy. Build* 2x Bloodstained Chivalry (15% Phy. DMG) 3x Gladiators finale (Phy. DMG, CRT DMG, CRT RATE) *For Burst Build* 2x Noblesse Oblige (20% Burst DMG) 3x Archaic Petra (15% Geo DMG) Attk: 2146 CritRate: 57.4% CritDmg: 185.9% Phy. DMG Bonus: 114% (PHY. ARTIFACTS) Geo DMG Bonus: 101% (GEO ARTIFACTS) ElemMastery: 40 Songs Used: Emerald Hill Zon
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