Flooding in Brazil has broken historical records the local population is being evacuated, and animals that have escaped onto r

Flooding in Brazil has broken historical records — the local population is being evacuated, and animals that have escaped onto roofs are being rescued as well Brazilian states were the first to be hit by a natural disaster caused by heavy rains and resulting in widespread flooding in the south of the country. Emergency services continue air, land and water rescue operations, evacuating locals along with their pets. A similar miraculous rescue story happened to the Brazilian man in the video, who could not hold back tears after he and his four dogs were carried to safety. To date, many of the victims continue to be held hostage in apartment buildings whose ground and basement floors are flooded with water. Some neighborhoods are also without light and electricity. There is also an acute shortage of essential goods, which are being donated by volunteers who are also helping those who have been left without a roof over their heads. According to the State Civil Defense, the death toll ha... Source: Readovka World
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