Saloon music compilation

Saloon music compilation. The music is from a modern artist (except one track), so no real west, but sounds like it is. Photo in Creative Commons 2.0 By Attribution () by Rexburg Historical Society: @N03/6860001334/ Music by: Kevin MacLeod () Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 License Frog Legs Rag is not by Kevin MacLeod. Tracklist (thanks to Pixelwhip Solaris): 00:00 Breaktime 02:05 Fig Leaf Times Two 08:26 Five Card Shuffle 10:42 Fun in a Bottle 12:33 Frog Legs Rag ( By James Scott - track in the public domain by ) 15:26 Olde Timey 18:43 The Chase 19:18 Work is Work
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