Tribute To Princess Royal (1965)

Title reads: “TRIBUTE TO PRINCESS ROYAL“. Funeral of Princess Mary (Princess Royal, Countess Harewood) at Harewood House, Yorkshire and memorial service at Westminster Abbey, London. Various shots Harewood House. L/S All Saints Church, mourners are arriving. M/S Earl of Harewood’s son arriving. Panning shot Princess Marina (Dowager Duchess of Kent). Panning C/U Duchess of Kent. M/S Princess Margaret and Lord Snowdon arriving. M/S Duke of Kent. L/S people going in to church. Panning C/U Queen Elizabeth arriving. M/S Queen Mother (Queen Elizabeth) and Prince Charles (Prince of Wales). L/S Westminster Abbey. M/S representative of nursing services arriving. M/S Duke of Norfolk. M/S Lady Clementine Churchill. Panning C/U former Prime Minister Harold Macmillan arriving with wife. Panning C/U Sir Alec Douglas-Home and Lady Douglas-Home. Panning shot Lord Attlee (Clement Attlee) arriving. M/S Earl Mountbatten. M/S Arab man arriving. M/S Prime Minister Harold Wilson and Mrs. Wilson. Panning C
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