Time To Remember - Run Rabbit Run 1940 - Reel 1 (1940)
Pathe have rights to clips in Time to Remember programmes but not to commentary or whole programme as screened.
Reel 1.
01:00:12 Various shots of British infantry troops marching through street in France.
01:00:37 Opening Titles - “Time to Remember - a programme to take you back, however young you may be - recalled by Niall MacGinnis“.
01:01:00 VS of German tanks moving forwards during invasion. VS of smashed cars. VS empty French town with large Cathedral.
01:01:40 Title: “Run Rabbit Run“.
01:01:50 VS French troops walking around in defensive positions in the area around the Maginot Line. French troops walking woods. French troops digging deep trenches.
01:03:16 VS of British Infantry soldiers marching in Belgium - presumably men of the BEF (British Expeditionary Force). VS of Allied Leaders - including French General Maurice Gustave Gamelin. VS of French troops eating at table in forest dug out, darning socks, writing letters etc.
01:04:15 Various shots British ships bombarding th
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