Crime Scene Earth! The Missing World Population 1800s!
#martinliedtke #mudflood #resets #tartaria #starforts #flatearthbritish
The Franco-Prussia War of 1870/1 hasn’t had much coverage in the Photographic records compared to the Crimean War ,and the American Civil War. Why is that?
It would appear that some sort of World War or take over happened in the Nineteenth Century. Evidence examined suggests that the World Population was irradicated ,and then replaced by New Arrivals. Spooky!
Today we examine rare images ,and build a picture of what really happened.
Including in todays post-
America built on England?
The Statue of Liberty images faked?
15th Century manuscript of the Gospel of St John. Trippy!
Old World Minneapolis.
News of the development of a New Flat Earth British Website. Epic!
Thanks to everybody who attended the FEB Round Table Party!
That was a ton of fun! More to come!
Please make sure to subscibe Like & share this video presentation. Thanks!
To Don