The Psychological Experiment Iceberg Explained

Explaining some of the most fascinating psychological experiments ever conducted. Sources: Chapters: 0:00 - Intro 0:39 - Manufacturing Childhood Memories 2:19 - Flashbulb Memories 5:42 - The Stroop Effect 6:29 - Brocka and Wernicke’s Aphasia 7:50 - Greebles 9:18 - Patient H.M. 11:11 - Railroad Spike Through the Head 12:43 - Jean Piaget 14:13 - The Asch Conformity Experiments 16:14 - Boat-Tree 17:05 - The Marshmallow Test 18:53 - Change Blindness 20:02 - The Multiple Personalities of a Blob 20:44 - Duncker’s Candle Problem 22:06 - The Backfire Effect 23:56 - The Base Rate Fallacy, The Conjunction Fallacy, and Framing 26:13 - The Misinformation Effect 27:17 - The Propaganda Effect 28:33 - Thinking Outside the Box 29:22 - The Rosenhan Experiment 30:46 - Thinking with your (blank) is real 31:24 -
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