This is the new Mist Form animation that is currently on PTS week 1 of Scribes of Fate U37 DLC.
“Another larger rework is for the infamous Mist Form skill in the Vampire skill line, as a result of all of the back-and-forth issues and balance changes we’ve seen with the skill’s evolution through the game’s history. With this rework, we tried to go back to the drawing board about what the fantasy and identity of the skill was trying to evoke, which is meant to be the iconic feeling of blinking into mist and avoiding attacks, dashing around from foe to foe and taking them down or avoiding damage in the process. In this update, Mist Form is no longer a toggled effect or one that reduces your damage while active or causing you to become immune to crowd control. Instead, it focuses on quick and liberating movement, causing you to quickly travel to your targeted location as a gap closer while simultaneously avoiding incoming projectiles while you do so“
Mist Form: This ability and its morphs are no longer a toggled ability that reduce your damage taken from players or grant crowd control immunity while active. Instead, they now teleport you to the position of your cursor, up to a maximum of 15 meters away, and reduce your damage taken from the next 3 projectiles by 100% while teleporting. Casting any of these abilities will increase the cost of the ability by 33% for 4 seconds. The base cost is now 4050 per cast, which reduces to 3780 at rank IV of the base ability.
Elusive Mist (morph): This morph now grants Major Expedition and Major Evasion for 4 seconds after reappearing, rather than just Major Expedition.
Blood Mist (morph):
This morph now causes you to deal damage around you and heal for the damage caused once every 2 seconds over 20 seconds after activating the ability, rather than once every second while active.
Increased the damage per tick by approximately 9%.
Dev Comment: This skill has been a wild ride for the past 8 years and while we tried to preserve the original skill as much as we could with the rework, we’ve run into far too many issues with how the skill was used and how it operated, and its current iteration doesn’t have enough use between all gameplay types. While it was a widely used skill and could be a lot of fun to play with, it was creating many unhealthy gameplay implications in both PvE and PvP and was being used in ways that didn’t feel very Vampiric in nature. We’ve decided to go back to the drawing board to hit on what the original skill was trying to evoke in terms of feel and use. To try and retain the element of slipping into mist and evading attacks, we’ve shifted the skill into more of a movement-oriented ability, rather than a pure utility and defensive one, causing you to slip into mist temporarily to evade projectiles and make a hasty retreat or engage. The morphs still focus on the same options as well, where Elusive Mist doubles down on the slippery nature of the skill with bonuses and mitigation, while Blood Mist continues to reward those blood thirsty play styles with life steal. Also be wary of those pesky Fighters Guild attackers! They know how to get around all of these nasty new tricks.
Patch Notes:
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