DRAMATIC FINISH! Andrew Jacked WINS Texas Pro : Chris Aceto, Erin Banks, Armon Adibi REACT

RXMuscle’s Chris Aceto, Siddique Farooqi, and Armon Adidi are joined by 2 x Men’s Physique Olympia champion Erin Banks to recap the 2023 Texas Pro, which saw Andrew Jacked win the top prize for a second straight year - earning his ticket to the 2023 Olympia. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SHOP SPECIES NUTRITION: --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 💪🏼IRONMAG LABS NUTRITION Hardcore Bodybuilding Supplements💊 🔥20% Off Coupon Code: RXMUSCLE20 Shop🛒👉 Subscribe to the RXMuscle YouTube channel! Never miss an RX TV show, segment, or update. Sign up to become an member (free registration): Follow RXMuscle on Instagram: Follow RXMuscle on Faceboo
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