One of the first Theodorakis concerts after the dictatorship in october 1974 was also filmed by german television. Here are the songs of that broadcast.
The song To Yelasto Pedi (The Jovial Boy) from the cycle The Hostage (Brendan Behan) sung by Maria Farantouri. Also known as the theme of the film Z about the murder of Lambrakis
Here the lyrics in english and greek with thanks to 913Tripolis44
Anglicized Version
It was on an August morning, all in the moring hours,
I went to take the warming air all in the month of flowers,
And there I saw a maiden and heard her mournful cry,
Oh, what will mend my broken heart, I’ve lost my Laughing Boy.
So strong, so wide, so brave he was, I’ll mourn his loss too sore
When thinking that we’ll hear the laugh or springing step no more.
Ah, curse the time, and sad the loss my heart to crucify,
Than an Irish son, with a rebel gun, shot down my Laughing Boy.
Oh, had he died by Pearse’s side, or in the .,
Killed by an English bullet from the rifle of the foe,
Or forcibly fed while Ashe lay dead in the dungeons of Mountjoy,
I’d have cried with pride at the way he died, my own dear Laughing Boy.
My princely love, can ageless love do more than tell to you
Go raibh mile maith Agath, for all you tried to do,
For all you did and would have done, my enemies to destroy,
I’ll prize your name and guard your fame, my own dear Laughing Boy.
The Laughing Boy
by Brendan Behan
Original Version
T’was on an August morning, all in the dawning hours,
I went to take the warming air, all in the Mouth of Flowers,
And there I saw a maiden, and mournful was her cry,
’Ah what will mend my broken heart, I’ve lost my Laughing Boy.
So strong, so wild and brave he was, I’ll mourn his loss too sore,
When thinking that I’ll hear the laugh or spinging step no more.
Ah, cure the times and sad the loss my heart to crucify,
That an irish son with a rebel gun shot down my Laughing Boy.
Oh had he died by Pearse’s side or in the GPO,
Killed by an English bullet from the rifle of the foe,
Or forcibly fed with Ashe lay dead in the dungeons of Mountjoy,
I’d have cried with pride for the way he died, my own dear Laughing Boy.
My princely love, can ageless love do more than tell to you,
Go raibh maith agat for all you tried to do,
For all you did, and would have done, my enemies to destroy,
I’ll mourn your name and praise your fame, forever, my Laughing Boy.
Mouth of Flowers is a translation of the townland Beal na Blath, where Michael Collins was ambushed and shot.
Padraig Pearse was one of the leader’s of the 1916 Rising.
GPO was one of the buildings the Volunteers occupied in 1916.
Ashe was a Sinn Fein member who died on hunger strike.
Go raibh maith agat is Irish for ’Thank You’.
Συθέτης - Μίκης Θεοδωράκης
Στιχουργός - Μπρένταν Μπήαν(Brendan Behan)
Μετάφραση -- Βασίλης Ρώτας
Ήταν πρωί τ’ Αυγούστου κοντά στη ροδαυγή,
Βγήκα να πάρω αγέρα στην ανθισμένη γή.
Βλέπω μια κόρη σπαραχτικά θρηνεί,
Σπάσε καρδιά μου εχάθει το γελαστό παιδί.
Είχεν αντριά και θάρος κι αιωνια θα θρηνώ,
Το πηδηχτο του βήμα το γέλιο το ηλυκό.
Ανάθεμα την ώρα κατάρα τη στηγμή,
Σκοτώσαν οι εχθροί μας το γελαστό παιδί.
Ώ, να ’ταν σκοτωμένο στου αρχιγού το πλάϊ ,
Και μόνον από βόλι Εγγλέζου να ’χέ πάει.
Κι απ’ απεργία πείνας μέσα στή φυλακή,
Θά ’ταν τιμή μου πού χασα το γελαστό παιδί.
Βασιλικιά μου αγάπη μ’ αγάπη θα στο λέω,
Γιά το οτι έκανες αιώνια θά σέ κλαίω.
Γιατί όλους τους εχθρούς μας θά ξέκάνες εσύ,
Δόξα τιμή στ’ αξέχαστο, το γελαστό παιδί.
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