Spring Reading List | 2021

My 2021 Spring Reading List ☆ Fiction Books: The Invisible Life of Addie Larue: The Perfect Child: Outlander: Nonfiction Books: Untethered Soul: The Reason for God (tackles science and encourages questioning): The Universal Christ (science friendly spirituality): ♡ SHOP MY LIFE! My Amazon Shop: ♡ More Vlogs: ♡ My Cameras: & ♡ How I Edit My Thumbnails: Let’s be Friends! ♡ Instagram: @reneeamberg *I DO NOT HAVE A TWITTER OR FACEBOOK* ♡ Goodreads : Current Books I’m Reading: ♡ Spotify / Music Playlists: ♡ Shop My Closet: ♡ For Business Inquiries Only: reneeamberg1@ #readinglist #2021 #sprin
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