Black Sabbath Sabotage - Full Album Vinyl Rip (1975)

Hello and thanks for discovering great music here. A like, share, and subscription are always appreciated. Thanks! This is my favorite Black Sabbath album, Sabotage. This specific pressing is from 1980 by NEMS, a UK repress company. I do not own the work of art herein presented and its respective copyrights. The Copyright in this recorded work belongs to its rightful owners, blah blah blah, - whoever they may be. There is no intention to violate, steal, rip, rob, unlawfully reproduce, or otherwise desecrate anyone’s work or property, I obviously do not mean to deprive poor David Geffen of his due profits, thereby making him destitute and throwing him to the streets the way he throws other people around. Nor due I mean to rob the Artists of their hard earned cash. I certainly couldn’t fathom playing “Welcome to the Jungle” if I knew Axle “The Victim™” Rose didn’t get his fair share – how the f*k do you think I could sleep at night? The work herein reproduced is presented to the public with th
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