See english information and translated lyrics below.
2019 hielt Greta Thunberg auf dem Weltwirtschaftsforum in Davos eine mittlerweile weltbekannte Rede. Diese Rede war die Initialzündung zu “Mensch frisst”. Durch ungebändigten Ressourcenverbrauch, maßlosen Konsum und Verschwendung berauben wir uns unserer Zukunft und zukünftige Generationen der Lebensgrundlage. “Mensch frisst” zeigt die Auswirkungen unserer Ausbeutung und die Schönheit, für die es sich zu kämpfen lohnt. Die Welt steht in Flammen. Doch vielleicht ist noch Zeit, das Steuer herumzureißen.
In 2019, Greta Thunberg gave a now world-famous speech at the World Economic Forum in Davos. This speech was the initial spark for “Mensch frisst” (human wolfs down). Through unbridled use of resources, excessive consumption and waste, we rob ourselves of our future and future generations of the basis of life. “Mensch frisst” shows the effects of our exploitation and the beauty that is worth fighting for. The world is on fire. But maybe there’s still time to turn things around.
Lyrics translated:
Man eats
Water no longer runs down into the valley,
The sea of death and agony seems endless for all the creatures that die
on the rubbish of our being
The knowledge works just as long as you can earn money with it
All the greed for things we don’t need
destroys the basis of our being
Man eats man eats man eats man
Man eats man eats man eats man
The world has enough fever
Man, a parasite she created.
He sucks her dry and robs her
and eats itself.
Man eats man eats man eats man
Man eats man eats man eats man
Man eats man eats man eats man
Man eats man eats man eats world
You like just like me
Pictures in blue and flowers in red
what really is there
If we just look into each other’s eyes
You like just like me
Pictures in blue and flowers in red
what really is there
If only we, if only we
Mixed and mastered by Christoph Jordan
Parts of Gretas speech taken from:
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