Stock Images Of War (trailer)

Stock Images Of War - Amalia Ulman 2015 Opening the 11th of January @ James Fuentes 55 Delancey Street, New York, NY 10002 Stock Images Of War is a solo exhibition by Amalia Ulman about our lack of empathy, how we torture each other and how war is adulthoods’ favorite game. In a global community of emotions, war is gossip, torture is a parallel act of deconstruction and images serve the function of heavy artillery. Cherry Picker, Sherwood Forest, Pink Rose, Night Blossoms Becoming a log: logging in, logging out. When narcissism becomes a stratagem we need mirrors to learn our poses, to attract and seduce like England does with a third world country. Being more specific, what is it that you will see at Stock Images of War. In the dark, only illuminated by spotlights, hugged by black polyester draperies, a series of augmented wire figures produced during confinement will weakly find their place in the empty room, constantly fighting to stand their ground, maybe hesitating between standing and laying down.
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