[OPEN INTERVIEW] SHINee’s Minho wants to do WHAT with Key?! | NEWS A

[OPEN INTERVIEW] SHINee’s Minho wants to do WHAT with Key?! Yoonsoo Now that your album is out, one of your fans asks, “do you want to form a unit? If so, then with whom?” Yoonsoo Like you explained earlier, you debuted in 2008. Do you remember that moment? Yoonsoo Was the excitement of being able to show your fans all your hard work so far or fear stronger? Yoonsoo You are the charismatic, passionate icon of SHINEE. Do you still maintain that passion, 15 years later? Yoonsoo Recently, there have been quite a few articles regarding your father. A soccer team that your father is coaching? Yoonsoo Is there a discrepancy between what you imagined a debuted idol to be and reality? Yoonsoo What about now? Has something changed? Yoonsoo If you could go back to that time, would you go through all this again to become an idol? Yoonsoo Being an idol, there must have been some difficulties. Wasn’t it hard being an idol?
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