12 Min DEEP CORE WORKOUT FOR SNATCHED WAIST | no equipment, no repeat
Hi everyone! Who is ready for a quick and effective core workout? This is effect on it’s on or as a finisher to my other workouts. Today I have included all my favorite core exercises that help snatch that waist. We are going to do 45 sec on and 15 sec rest. There is no equipment and no repeat.
Let’s get started!
12 min Deep core workout for snatched smaller waist
Side plank
Lean on the right side of your body in a straight line from your head to your feet, with your arm bent and your elbow directly beneath your shoulders. Raise your hips as far as you can towards the ceiling while maintaining a strong body. You should feel this in your obliques and your overall core.
Side plank
Bird dog & crunch
Get on all fours on a one arm out long in front of you while drawing your abs in towards your belly extend your opposite leg long behind you. Make sure you are looking down at the mat to maintain a neutral spine. Next bring in your elbow and your knee in towards your center. Your back will round as you bring them together underneath you. Squeeze your abs at the bottom of the movement.
Bird dog and crunch
Toe taps
Reverse plank & knee in
Plank & rotation
Start in high plank position, with shoulders over wrists and one straight, engaged line from your head to your your left hand from the mat, open up to a side plank your hand back to the mat and repeat on the other side.
Bear crawl shoulder tap
Marching glute bridge
Once at the top of the glute bridge, lift your right foot off the ground. Don’t let your hips or pelvis shift to the left or right. Be sure to keep your glutes and core engaged throughout the duration of the movement. With control, lower your right foot back to the ground and switch sides
Plank & pike
In a high plank your toes and engage your core to lift your hips,Come up as high as you to engage your core as you lower back down into plank position, keeping the movement slow and controlled.
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When joining me for this workout video, you need to take some precautions as your health and safety is the most important. To avoid any injury or harm, you need to check your health with your doctor before exercising. By performing any fitness exercises without supervision like with this video, you are performing them at your own risk. See a fitness professional to give you advice on your exercise form. Vikki Power will not be responsible or liable for any injury or harm you sustain as a result of this video.
#fitness #homeworkout #health
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