Top 10 Best and Must-see Greatest Museums in the World

The Top 10 Best, Most Beautiful and Must-see Greatest Museums in the World Take a Step Back in Time With Some of the Most Influential and Memorable Artefacts in Human History. Experience Fine Art at One of the Top Ten Museums and Galleries From Around the World. They Show Very Different Exhibits but They All Have One Thing in Common, They’re All Definitely Worth Your Time 10. National Archaeological Museum, Athens This is the Place to Admire the Masterpieces of Ancient Greece. Its Unrivaled Collection Includes a Bronze Artemision Podeidon From the 5th Century B.c. 9. Prado Museum, Madrid This Treasure Trove Includes Sculptures and Drawings, but the Strongest Collection is, Naturally, of Spanish Masterpieces by Goya, El Greco and Velazquez (Whose Las Meninas is the Best-known Piece of the Museum). 8. The Vatican Museums, Rome/vatican City It’s a Series of Exhibition Spaces Filled With Priceless Treasures That Blow Visitors Away by Their Grandeur and Beauty. The H
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